Our Services

Calgary Accounting Services

  • Bookkeeping

  • Accounting

  • Financial Statements

  • Preparing documents for Business Loans

  • Net Worth Statements

The bookkeeping exercise in Calgary as in all other jurisdictions requires close attention to detail and can seem like there’s to much to do. Although technology has enacted efficiencies, the importance of the human element in deciphering, interpreting, and recording transactions has never been more critical. With the deployment of technology, parties with their nomenclature, short form acronyms, and assumptions can produce misleading descriptions which at times must be “vouched” for accuracy. The banking industry is on watch for not necessarily providing strong descriptions within statements.

Bank reconciliations can be tedious be they are necessary and form the role of a strong internal control to ensure that items do not get missed or doubled. Every strong bookkeeper prepares “bank reconciliations” of financial accounts to ensure that your general ledger is correct. Files don’t pass through Sveinson Financial without bank reconciliations.

Corporate Tax Prepared In Calgary

Blair Sveinson is a Calgary tax accountant specializing in small business. Small business is the driving force of the Canadian economy. If you manage a small business or want to start one, who can you consult for administrative and tax compliance matters? Calgary tax accountant, Blair Sveinson, of Sveinson Financial Services is unique in that he is just like you. He's a straight talker who talks tax in a disarming way in terms that you understand. In fact, Blair studied the humanities prior to embarking on the tax accounting discipline. There is no excess overhead assigned to your simple invoice. There is no never ending phone tag regiment encountered with technicians assigned to your file. There are no long lapses of time to get your work done. A Calgary tax accountant who is centrally located in Calgary’s beltline convenient to transit may be just the solution for your bookkeeping, accounting and tax work. Expect expeditious service and two way conversations. In our new age of mobile technology and instant communication, one would think that customer service should be on the ascent, but too often this is not the case. At Sveinson Financial, this Calgary tax accountant is sensitive to your needs as a small business and has the tools and expertise to minimize your tax burden in the context of our voluminous tax code. The Astra Business Centre provides exceptional reception services at the office.

Sveinson Financial Services has been designed with the small business owner as the focal point. Whether you need a bookkeeper, a tax accountant, or management consulting services, Sveinson can help.

If you are an individual with an investment portfolio, this Calgary tax accountant may be the perfect fit. In addition to his financial reporting expertise, Mr. Sveinson has taken additional course work through the Canadian Securities Institute.

Calgary Management Consulting

Sveinson Financial Services understands the needs of small businesses because this is a boutique practice. Sveinson Financial can counsel you and your small business as you pursue the growth continuum. Feedback loops, collaborative expression, resource identification, key relationship dynamics, team synergy exploitation, and leadership optimization are components to the management consulting model presented at Sveinson Financial Services.

It's an environment where learning happens as opposed to a "business coaching" environment. Irrespective of how you look at the changing business environment, there are considerations now which weren’t so evident in the past. Procuring management consulting services in Calgary will position you for entrepreneurial success.

Invest With Confidence

At Sveinson Financial, you not only access a Calgary accountant but also an analyst versed in the Canadian markets. Blair Sveinson has taken the Canadian Securities Course and the Canadian Derivatives Fundamentals Course.

There hasn't been much talk of derivatives since the financial meltdown of 2008. However; these instruments are still in play and appropriate exposure may prove to be a strong market strategy going forward. Many are not aware that mutual funds can indirectly expose portfolios to derivative instruments. Despite the theme underlying mutual funds is one of being “diversified”….they are not without their risks and in fact their oftentimes lackluster performance has been influential in tempering enthusiasm for market related investments generally. Blair will impress upon you the necessity of being “market literate”.

The market should not be navigated alone. Track records of investment advisors are less than stellar and advisors can be representing multiple interests concurrently of which your interests may not capture the attention you deserve. At Sveinson Financial, Blair impresses upon you the need to for you to be market savvy as someone who is the ultimate steward of your wealth.